2 animated animals with detailed face rigs

Alba animals

Recently we made animal rigs and 2 cartoon biped setups for Ritzy Animation project Alba – game cinematic supporting ecology and planting trees. We had fun making these cartoon rigs and the result is amazing. Face rigs were combination of joints and 2d projected mouth textures sliding on the head geometry. Our thanks go to…

Skoda Enyaq Robots

In spring this year we had pleasure to work on various age variations of a complex robot rig. The characters played key role in the new Skoda Enyaq UK add.   We would like to thank Freefolk post production from London for this opportunity! Channel 4 TV idents Skoda Enyaq Robots – Making Of

Smyths Toys

In summer 2020 we worked on SMYTHS Toys commercials rigging the toys characters. With exception of the Boy, which was a reused asset from previous adds.   We were contacted by well known London post production FREEFOLK to contribute on this combined live action – CG animated spot. Your browser does not support the video…

Girl face in front of purple and blue background


Our first realtime digital human project. For SorryWeCan agency RIG-IT made body and face setup of Bejby.Blue character used for new advertising campaign by slovakian bank TATRA BANKA. The character was setup for Unreal Engine and runs in realtime. Face setup was mainly based on iPhone AR Face Anchor shapes to be easily driven by…

Two animated dogs are playing with ball.

That`s my ball

Recently our customer and his team created impressive realistic animation with 2 of our Eshop rigged dogs: French Bulldog, Rhodesian Ridgeback. We are very impressed at RIG-IT.net and hoping this only shows first example of how our eshop assets will be used from animation to film and realtime applications. https://www.rig-it.net/product-category/assets/ Credits: Chalermphol Wattanawongtrakool, Tatchapon lertwirojkul,…

Baby and Lino

Our team rigged 3 characters for a new Podravka Lino commercial. We had a variety of styles in the face setups with cartoon character Baby and company brand Lino bear. Mom being secondary character was rigged with our standard face setup. Our team also helped with some topology modeling. Complete animation spot was made by…

Craft Legend

For a mobile game Craft Legend we rigged 7 characters in 2019. Each had a complete face rig, carefully skinned costumed, few gun and sword props. We also used simple muscles for should and back areas to support anatomy shape with more muscular characters.   We appreciate this opportunity from PuppetWorks!

Big Helmet Heroes

We have recently helped with rigs for this amazing mobile game Big Helmet Heroes. Out now on Android! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.exaltedstudio.bighelmetheroes RIGIT team created cartoon bending and stretching rig for the realtime warrior character with variations in geometry (in game jargon “different skins”).

VirginMedia Seal

Here is our first published project of year 2020 – another fun cooperation with Untold Studios, where we rigged a realistic seal for the Virgin Media new campaign. The seal rig actually had few cartoon features since it can stretch and squash, but it was used within limits. Face rig was mostly based on detailed…